Call us at (916) 222-6116 for more information.
House of Transitional Opportunity Outreach Program Gallery
Or for more information, call us at:  916-222-6116

Or send inquiries to:
   1731 Howe Ave, Suite 653
   Sacramento, CA 95825
                             BLANKET DRIVE



For the 2022 year, we will be collecting blankets all throughout the year. Donate new or good used blankets for the homeless. We will come and pick them up. Please contact us at [email protected] or 916-222-6116. Our goal is to receive 300 blankets by November 12, 2022 to be distributed on November 25h, 2022 (Thanksgiving day) and again on December 25, 2022 (Christmas Day).

Blankets can be mailed to 1731 Howe Ave, Suite 653, Sacramento, CA 95825 or donations can be made by clicking the donation button.

I wanted to share since winter is approaching very fast. With the rain coming and winds blowing there are many that are suffering from homelessness and no where to turn. I was at work when an eighty-two year old woman came in looking to purchase shoes for her blistered feet that looked as if she had been walking for miles. She was very much in her right mind because she began to thank God for just being alive and apologizing for having rags on. As she was talking I was picking up that she was homeless but not just assuming anything I asked, "Are you currently homeless?" she was not trying to reveal to much but looked at me, smiled and said, "I am here and there." That morning I had to meet with a bookkeeping client of mine and and shared with him that I was starting a blanket drive and asked if he had any blankets that he is not using that he would like to donate. He let me know that he did have some and he would give them to me when I drop off his bookkeeping binder. I had just picked up 3 blankets from him. I had no idea that it was raining outdoors. I got off work and went into my car to get one of the blankets that my client had just given me and gave it to the elderly lady. She was so happy to get that blanket that she wanted to give me a donation. I smiled at her and let her know this was for her. I left got in my car and thanked God for being able to share something that had a purpose. The blanket drive this year may not solve every problem that the homeless go through or can fix the situation but we will do our part as God have for us to do.